Why Struggle? You are not alone

You are Not Alone

Life is challenging. How often have you thought you were the only person going through something difficult? You are not alone. We are afraid to share our fears and stories because we don’t want to be judged by others. People are not as strong, confident, and wise as they seem. Other people are afraid, lonely, and going through tough times, too.

You may think you are the only person experiencing whatever you are feeling. Trust me, there is someone else experiencing the same fear, anxiety, pain, hurt or joy you are feeling. Remember, no matter what is happening, you are NOT alone.

My mom used to remind me to have a “talking partner.” She said it was important to have someone you could be vulnerable with to express your fears or concerns. You will instinctively know who you can share your thoughts with at these times. Trust your intuition and find a talking partner.

Practice: Think of something you feel self-conscious about. Share this feeling with someone you trust and respect. As you become more comfortable, share more of your feelings with other people.

Affirmation: Life is joyous. I am surrounded by love.

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